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Teleflora's Sprinkle Sparkle Bouquet

All prices in USD ($)

Mylar Balloons

Stuffed Animal

Box of Chocolates

Brighten your Christmas with a bouquet of vibrant red roses and winter greens, beautifully arranged in a hand-painted ceramic ornament jar with sparkling stars. It's perfect for holding wrapped candies and holiday treats afterward! From November 14 through December 31, 15% of the purchase price from all Teleflora's Sprinkle Sparkle Bouquet and Sparkle All The Way Bouquet sales will directly help grant children's wishes with Make-A-Wish.*   *Total campaign donation to Make-A-Wish to equal $250

    Teleflora's Sprinkle Sparkle Bouquet features red roses, miniature red carnations, and white button spray chrysanthemums. Enhanced with cedar, white pine, seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller, and parvifolia eucalyptus, it's presented in Teleflora's Sprinkle Sparkle Ornament, adding seasonal elegance to any celebration.
  • Orientation: All-Around